430 small landlords
169 Families
478 households
289 households
assisted to purchase their first home
counseled and connected to resources
accessed rental and mortgage assistance
counseled to preserve housing and prevent foreclosure

Yartiza Velazquez, Homeowner
I started working on building my credit. She [Raquel, SCH Housing Counselor], gave me tips and advice on how to start doing that. Six months later I got pre-approved. My credit was up and I was able to start looking for a home. The downpayment assistance that I received to purchase my home helped me tremendously. Once purchasing my home I only had to give $50 for my downpayment.
In 2023 we successfully served over 5,500 families across the Chicagoland area through financial education, foreclosure prevention counseling, pre/post purchase education, rental counseling and much more. We could not have done it without your support.
Over 75% of our clients come from low-income and underserved populations. We rely on donations and contributions to keep providing these essential services. Help us strengthen our communities
We appreciate your valuable support and dedication to our communities